June 23, 2008

Brian going back under the knife

Today, Brian went to the Dr. with complaints of his spinal implant. An X-Ray was performed and it turns out that the ends of the wires in Brian's upper spine have come loose. Where the 2 inch paddle ends should be in the spine, only about a half an inch is where it should be, and the rest is obviously not. This is going to require that the neurosurgeon open up his spine again to fix the problem. As this just happened today we are not sure when the surgery will be scheduled. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue through this hardship.


Arleen Cook said...

I am soo sorry... that really sucks. I hope that all goes well and pray that things will turn out ok. Let us know if there is anything we can do. Love ya guys!!

Bert and Kelli Millett said...

Bret, found you blog and it's so great to catch up with your family. Your Shar is too cute for words. Send me an e-mail to kellimillett@yahoo.com and I'll send you an invite to our blog.