Trevor's end of the year pool party for the whole 6th grade class was really fun! (except for having to wear a swimsuit part) It was funny because we had been getting up into the hundreds all week and then the day of the pool party it was like 70 degrees. We all went swimming any way, and it didn't start raining until all the kids where walking back to class.
Trevor is all done with elementary school forever. He finished up 6th grade with really good grades, we are all proud of him. (he's got 4 parents and like million grandparents) He seemed to be especially strong in reading and writing. I'll see if I can get some more of his poems posted soon. Trevor is getting so tall and handsome, I'm gonna have to beat the girls off with a stick. He's also a great help to me and is an awesome big brother!
Trevor is a hottie! I really miss him. Congratulations on graduating elementary! I can wait to read some more of his poems.
Ahhhh Trevor, your mom says your a big BOTHER!! Tell her to fix her dyslexia (you know you're my BFF, Brett, hee hee!). Agreed, Trevor has done a great job and is definately a cutie, congrats!
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