August 21, 2008

Life's too fast

Okay, so I haven't posted anything in a while. Sorry. I can't find the cord that hooks into my camera, so I can't down-load pictures. My dumb. Lets see - Brian had surgery AGAIN and guess what? It failed, so it looks like we are going to try one more time, maybe sometime in September. Trevor and Mitchell are back at school and they are doing great. Shar is the cutest baby ever! (she says mom-ma) Steven is a joy, he's starting to count and he thinks he can talk just fine, we (the rest of the world) are the ones with a problem. We have Karate testing this weekend so I'll record some clips of the boys and hopefully get them posted soon. I love all of you and hope everyone is doing good. I would like to also say how proud I am of my two Utah cousins who have recently left for their missions. Way to go guys! Good luck, and we always remember you in our prayers.
Love Brett